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    The EMGZ 490 Amplifier sản phẩm mới 

    Đăng bởiAdmin


    The EMGZ 490 Amplifier with the latest PROFINET Interface Technology   The EMGZ 490 Amplifier with the latest PROFINET Interface Technology
    Making full use of the PROFINET RT features the EMGZ 490 amplifier can cope with very fast applications. Enhanced connectivity and real-time data processing over your PLC are additional advantages of this amplifier with integrated PROFINET interface. April 2013

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    A 203 Force Sensors, Plenty of Flexibility at an Attractive Price   A 203 Force Sensors, Plenty of Flexibility at an Attractive Price
    A Force Measuring Sensor with compact design and straightforward mounting concept. It provides new options in machines with difficult installation conditions. As a package with the amplifier EMGZ 310 it forms in terms of measurement accuracy, flexibility and low system cost a hard to beat web tension monitoring solution. March 2013

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    EMGZ 310 digital Amplifiers, cutting-edge technology with maximum added value   EMGZ 310 digital Amplifiers, cutting-edge technology with maximum added value
    This latest amplifier technology combines ease of use, clear value reading and cost efficiency in one product. In combination with the new sensor series A 203, we offer you a web tension monitoring solution that will improve your production processes with regards to quality, flexibility, and cost of ownership. March 2013

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    FMS’ Left/Right Amplifier with EtherNet/IP Bus   FMS’ Left/Right Amplifier with EtherNet/IP Bus
    The successful tension measuring amplifier with separate left / right tension evaluation is now available with a built-in EtherNet/IP field bus. The EMGZ321.EIP-Series has obtained all necessary certifications. The fast data rates enable real time tension control over Ethernet. October 2012

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    ANS Vietnam (Anh Nghi Son Service Trading Co., Ltd.)
    Add: 135 Đường số 2, Khu Đô Thị Vạn Phúc, P. Hiệp Bình Phước, Q. Thủ Đức, TP. HCM, Việt Nam
    Tel: 028 3517 0401 - 028 3517 0402 - Fax: 028 3517 0403 - HotLine: 0911 47 22 55