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    About FMS - thông tin về FMS 

    Đăng bởiAdmin

    About FMS

    FMS was founded in 1993, following a buyout from the FAG Kugelfischer company. Since that time, a dedicated team has been establishing its own company history in the web tension and web guiding industry through market-leading developments and successful international expansion. Today, FMS is the company of choice for manufacturers and users of web processing equipment around the globe. Success has been achieved in a wide cross-section of industries, processes, and materials.

    FMS Force Measuring Systems AG
    Aspstrasse 6
    8154 Oberglatt (Switzerland)
    Tel: +41 44 852 80 80
    Fax: +41 44 850 60 06

    ANS Vietnam (Anh Nghi Son Service Trading Co., Ltd.)
    Add: 135 Đường số 2, Khu Đô Thị Vạn Phúc, P. Hiệp Bình Phước, Q. Thủ Đức, TP. HCM, Việt Nam
    Tel: 028 3517 0401 - 028 3517 0402 - Fax: 028 3517 0403 - HotLine: 0911 47 22 55